Holistic Pet Care Services at Lily's Play-N-Stay

in Partnership with 4 Paws Rejuvenation

Welcome holistic pet care, where the health and well-being of your pet are our primary concern.

Under the expert guidance of Dr. Teresa Bradley Bays, DVM, CVA, DABVP (ECM), CVMMP, CTPEP, we offer a comprehensive range of holistic and alternative therapies designed to enhance your pet’s overall health and vitality.


Acupuncture, a timeless treatment, can relieve many issues including pain, anxiety, stress, and several acute and chronic conditions such as arthritis and kidney disease. Dr. Bradley Bays, a certified veterinary acupuncturist since 2011, uses this treatment modality to great success, often accompanied by herbal therapy to augment the benefits.


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Veterinary Medical Manipulation
(Animal Chiropractic)

Veterinary Medical Manipulation, also known as animal chiropractic, is a non-invasive therapy aimed at restoring mobility and reducing pain. This treatment method can provide immense relief to animals – from senior pets dealing with arthritis to younger, active ones engaged in agility and sports.


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Herbal Medicine

Complementing our other therapies our Herbal Medicine can improve the overall health of your pet. Dr. Bradley Bays is happy to meet with you and your pet to advise  on appropriate herbal solutions tailored to your pet’s needs.


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Alpha-Stim® (Micro Current Therapy)

Alpha-Stim® is an FDA-authorized, non-invasive, drug-free therapy, beneficial for treating anxiety and pain and promoting wound healing. It is especially effective for animals experiencing stress, lameness, and arthritis.


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Acoustic Wave Therapy

Acoustic Wave Therapy accelerates healing while reducing pain and inflammation. This non-invasive treatment is commonly used for humans. Equine medicine has proven beneficial for our furry friends too.


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Cold Laser Therapy

This therapy employs photobiostimulation to increase cellular activity, thereby promoting healing and reducing pain. It’s effective for various conditions from infections to arthritis and fractures.


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Exotic Pet Care

Exotic pets can also benefit from our holistic therapies. Dr. Bradley Bays is internationally recognized for her work with exotic companion mammals and is dedicated to helping them lead their best possible lives.


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Geriatric, Senior Services, and Palliative Care

4 Paws Rejuvenation is committed to making the senior years of your pets as comfortable as possible. We have a range of therapies specifically designed for geriatric pets and those needing palliative care.


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Acupuncture, a timeless treatment, can relieve many issues including pain, anxiety, stress, and several acute and chronic conditions such as arthritis and kidney disease. Dr. Bradley Bays, a certified veterinary acupuncturist since 2011, uses this treatment modality to great success, often accompanied by herbal therapy to augment the benefits.

Veterinary Medical Manipulation (Animal Chiropractic)

Veterinary Medical Manipulation, also known as animal chiropractic, is a non-invasive therapy aimed at restoring mobility and reducing pain. This treatment method can provide immense relief to animals – from senior pets dealing with arthritis to younger, active ones engaged in agility and sports

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Herbal Medicine

Complementing our other therapies our Herbal Medicine can improve the overall health of your pet. Dr. Bradley Bays is happy to meet with you and your pet to advise on appropriate herbal solutions tailored to your pet’s needs.

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Alpha-Stim® (Micro Current Therapy)

Alpha-Stim® is an FDA-authorized, non-invasive, drug-free therapy, beneficial for treating anxiety and pain and promoting wound healing. It is especially effective for animals experiencing stress, lameness, and arthritis.

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Acoustic Wave Therapy

Acoustic Wave Therapy accelerates healing while reducing pain and inflammation. This non-invasive treatment is commonly used for humans. Equine medicine has proven beneficial for our furry friends too.

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Cold Laser Therapy

This therapy employs photobiostimulation to increase cellular activity, thereby promoting healing and reducing pain. It’s effective for various conditions from infections to arthritis and fractures.

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Exotic Pet Care

Exotic pets can also benefit from our holistic therapies. Dr. Bradley Bays is internationally recognized for her work with exotic companion mammals and is dedicated to helping them lead their best possible lives.

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Geriatric, Senior Services, and Palliative Care

4 Paws Rejuvenation is committed to making the senior years of your pets as comfortable as possible. We have a range of therapies specifically designed for geriatric pets and those needing palliative care.

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Scheduled Online

At Lily’s Play-N-Stay, our holistic and alternative therapies complement other medical treatments and are often beneficial when traditional methods are not enough. We aim to increase the quality of life of your pets and help those with chronic diseases live longer, happier lives. Experience the difference holistic care can make. Contact us to learn more about our services. 



4 Paws Rejuvenation Website

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Download the Lily’s Play-N-Stay App for Pet Parents 

Invitation Code: 168917 

Seamless Booking

Whether it’s day or night, you can easily book any of our services, explore additional add-ons and upgrades, and reserve your pet’s accommodation with just a few simple taps.

Easier Payments

With the simple click of a button, easily review quotes and settle outstanding balances hassle-free!

Pet Report Card

In the app, you have the convenience of accessing your pet’s report cards, offering a comprehensive overview of your pet’s progress through a delightful combination of images, videos, and additional content!